Self-love practice: love your inner child
I love that little baby in this photo more than anyone else in the world. Loving her means it is my duty to:
protect her body,
protect her mind,
protect her aura,
protect her spirit,
parent her,
nurture her curiosity,
nurture her joy,
nurture her creativity,
nurture her heart,
hold space for her healing,
honor her.
Inner Child work is an under-spoken, underrated self-love practice that is medicine and nourishment to everyone. No matter how absolutely perfect your childhood may have been or not. A healthy, nurturing relationship with your inner child brings:
- joy, play, excitement
- inspiration, creativity
- clarity on your path and purpose
- empowerment, courage,
- the passion inside that belly
Try it: Find a photograph of little you, begin a daily practice of sitting with that image, and write a letter speaking the words of love over little you.